Praying mantis handed to climb mine olive branch in Ventourata. Mamma Thomas’s roses given a man working my land to be that his Papa gave he; in so, laying treasures beyond measure for family. As fresh as rain, you came to cut my wings from within. Burn my sprouts. My dust returned to rest. Come winter’s showers for I will rise from nest. Feed at my breast full of oil. Ever honor my flame in heavenly gratitude for my fruit to consume under the shades of the moons to come again in autumn’s winds. Land, until then. My bark talks of languages heard in words spoken under my leaves. Next to me, herds of goat’s bells ring and sheep sing. Your body swells in the perfume you exhume from my lungs. Pull my fruit in my shade. Unfold a seat and talk of old with tones of other accents from long ago. I was here to shade before your current form and watch your finer bodies chase and run. Come again. There is no end. Return to me. Rooted eternally. Smoke floates to the notes of another season of trimmed limbs and stems. Mamma and Papa hold hands. Must the day end? There are no words for the verbs. No painters can paint the scene. My roots penetrate and drink from my stones and flows in your bones. The bitter the better. Learn from the letters A to Ω. Crawl under my spreading dwarf holly to discover caves I’ve paved with magenta oleander leaves, on your way to Katsarata. Frolic in my beds sleeved of lilac hued cyclamen. Gaze upward at their hearted framed leaves to find the underside purple lined. Listen to the music of the belled sheepfold echoing the shepherd’s cue. Rumble through my ancient queues leading you to sights untold to behold my garden of eden. Jasper green moss
has engulfed the invigorating, refined, rough, white limestone, hand honed walls by tools made of stone, sat upon by the ancient ‘lone before the wash of emerald’s puddled robe joined to line the lane of footed prints pressed in lemon balm’s minted carpets infused with lavender cyclamen, dusty sage and violet blossoms of oregano on hinge to rise for foot again, bedded my view from Antipata to Fiskardou Bay today. Before the drops did’th come, they say, non like these had ever dropped. Calla lilies’ have clung to the roots of the fir, black pine and cypress to flourish in mid air. The dwarf irises are opening and I Ieant to confirm the scent of three saffron stigmas in the heart of an autumn crocus growing amid a fiddlehead bed of miniature ferns. You laid upon pebbles inside her caves at Dafnoudi Beach to be crowned and give birth. Now, looking into the shine of your own eyes at your side, peering up in trust without lust, the pain is forgotten. Welcome back to her shores with yours, her heirs. Thrust thy body into her arms. The children’s laughter echos off the moss covered walls that led you to her bed. Watch them at the rippling edge of her skirt. Let them hold her tender, loving hands protecting each from the twisting winds to come again, bask and play with their father home with the prey. Open your lips and drink the rainfalls from above; make love again in her nest. Rest your head in her bosom. Tip and nip at her feet in the shade of her white, limestone cliffs. Repose upon her stones in view of her throne. Turn to see the neighboring Lefkada lying among the purple islands in her turquoise sea. To be fare, I could not be aware of mine but to have gazed into thine? Nourish my soul with your essence of innocence. Press your lips to mine until morning breaks. Allow me to lie down and hold your subtle shapes sculpted by wind swept hands and stroke your breast to rest at the edge of your Ionian shores with your loveliness pressed to my core. Your roar can be heard in the thickets of your raised spine, as in mine, and vibrates in the beetle’s whisper under your olive trees in Lixouri where oils pour as golden as our mother’s rays and restores. The bay lay purple today rippled with sparkles faceted to reflect violet diamond rays. Ink flowed from his tip to write the words from his lips sign my name under the same on the balcony he had stood to witness, meet and greet. I, in Fiskardou square. He, high in the air, as sweet as an autumn breeze, met my morning to welcome the climb up the stairs to stare into unaware kindness, no blindness, sun kissed gold ends of deep, golden dark, strand hair. Thin hands held the stylo’s flow for his and mine and back again. Hand to hand. Man to man. Come in. It is time to go to Fiscardou. It’s a know so. Along the path I am on there has been a garden and a home to share. The fare is air. Cypress trees grow there; flowers, too. I may plant a few and turn around to the blue and green Ionian scene. I’ve been known to kiss the ground. I have been found again. There are many places to land. Frogs do. I, too. So can you. Jump. The surface is thin yet not and holds the capacity to turn over again and again. Oh, to penetrate her center. That is were the secret resides. Within. It’s out. Her flame is molting hot. With just one tip, the covering slips. From her composition’s sustenance, she gives rise to all. New. Old. All are gold. Life is born out of debris. It’s the turn. The present. Be aware of the treasure or not. She isn’t afraid. Let all learn. The churn is ever on. There’s not a stop, on this line. I stop. You can, too. Just look at the lines and you will see that she has been here millions of times. Pollute the air. Write a song. Dance. Sing out loud or not at all. She will not fall. Just turn over. Dust returns to dust. Rust. Rust. When she speaks, all listen by ear or not. Feel. It’s real. Here. Hear. Have no fear. Her voice is love. That’s all. Was it Anthony of Alexandria or Paul that saw a vision of Mary stepping onto the soil of what is called the peninsula to the Mother of God? It may have been neither. It doesn’t really matter. It is a garden unlike none that is in Her honor. There, I have walked along the slopes in sandals where even a mountain goat would have had to be careful. She is in the garden. The Son is, too. He is in me. I see Him in you. The Protaton holds a view of the Two arm in arm. Theotokos and God. I kissed them and the frame that holds the glowing images of grace, favor and mercy witnessing Divine Liturgies day and night by candlelight. But today, Easter Monday, They were carried through the streets of Karyes by the monks in the sun for all to see. When I look at them, I glow. He grew to become a man and hung on a cross. His blood run from the wounds. The thief, at his side, was welcomed to Heaven. The crowd cheered. Did they realize that that breath became theirs? Forgiven. He is Risen. In the garden today, amethyst, blue and purple colored pods emerged from under their leafy, covered heads. It was like witnessing an Orthodox monk bowed before an icon lifting his face of beaming grace and kissing the Saint. Lord Have Mercy, he says, as he prays day and night for all mankind. The chipmunks and I have watched the procession before. First, the green tips reveals themselves by piercing through the mulch protectively hugging the fragile jewels. They have risen from the earth before and know the bite of ice, the killing chill, that could come. As the days lengthen and the sphere shifts on it’s axis, the leaves will unfold for all to behold. I, myself, at this very moment, just knelt on my knees and kissed true royalty. All things are divinity. Day after day passes and the heads will lift higher and higher to welcome the light. I lifted my hands in praise to the clouds and the rain, and I bowed my head to thank the earth for all the nutrients given for this birth. The pods will open one by one to face our loving sun. We, together, the flowers and I, thanked the life sustaining ball of fire; in a few days, the entire performance will return to the soil. Don’t look to see. Not even a leaf will remain. There’s no cause for alarm. They are not gone or harmed. They have been here all along and are only changing robes for the next manifestation that happens naturally and has for all eternity. |
AuthorLord Joël Archives
December 2020
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